Monday, August 31, 2009


So I have been meaning to update this for a while now but now I finally got around to it. I am finally home and spending every moment that I possibly can with the most amazing man in the world. It's about time!
When I got back in town the thursday after Brandon picked me up from Caswell we moved into our apartment.....that's right our apartment. Just the two of us. We have been there for 2.5 weeks now and we love every minute of it. Given we barely have anything unpacked because we don't have my dressers for clothes or anything yet but hey who cares. We have our own place...finally.
We live in the same county as we did before because I have to go to school at the community college but we get to start making our place our home. Some people think that we should get married before we move in together but we are doing things our way and we know that in the end our lives will be better for it.

"Home is where the heart is"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Only 2.5 days until I am homeward bound!!!

Okay so I said in my last blog that the countdown has started and I meant it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about going home. It feels the like the closer I get to going home the further it seems to be.
As much as I love being here working at Caswell and serving God I am ready to be home with my wonderful fiance and back in the real world where I actually have to make my choices of where I need to go and what I need to do instead of having the luxury of having everything planned out in segments like it is while I am in what is lovingly called "the Caswell Bubble".
Me and Brandon are ready to be where we can see each other more than once in a blue moon. That will be a really good thing. We both know about the tension that happens when we are talking on the phone because we know the other person is missing them terribly and all they really want to do is hug them. I know that is how I feel about being away from Brandon and I am pretty sure that is the way he feels about me. However don't take my word for it...afterall we are getting married in less than two years so I think it is safe to say that neither one of us can imagine life without the other anymore.
So yes I am on countdown mode so that it can be me and brandon again facing the world with no regrets and anxious to start our lives together. This is going to be good.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Countdown Mode!!! Coming home!!!

So I find myself counting down the days now until I get to be home with Brandon and friends.....gosh it gives me butterflies! I realize that I have only been away for like 2.5 months but 2.5 months is a really really really long time when you actually have a reason to be at home. Don't get me wrong last summer I worked down here at the same place and it was amazing and I was a little homesick but not this much.
I guess that's when you know you are really and truely in love with someone is when you can't stand being away from them. My focus this summer has been on God and the camps theme this year was iLove talking about loving God and people. This has only made me see how precious a relationship is and that you should always cherish it as long as its there. That't why I am on countdown not including today I have 9.5 days until I get to be back home. And I love that it is getting closer and closer.