Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's November!

It's been a while since I last updated this blog...sorry. I haven't had time and neither has Brandon to be honest. We have had a busy past month or so.
Brandon and I were out helping out on a family friend's farm called Lazy-O-Farm which is an educational farm where kids get to learn all about the animals and pick a pumpkin out of the pumpkin patch, and go in a maze. They always seem to have a blast. We had fun but now that their busy season is over with there isn't much need for too much help out there.
During the process of working on the farm Brandon was job hunting and......HE FOUND A JOB!!! So he is no longer unemployed...yay!!!! As for me, I am still in classes and I am still unemployed....oh well.
I also had the chance in mid October to go wedding dress looking with my little, bethany. I found the perfect dress but I still have a year and 7 months or so before the wedding at least as far as I know right now so hopefully I will find one that I love just as much in this time. Right now we still are not able to save any money for a wedding but we will...I have faith.....you got to right?

As soon as I get new pics of me and Brandon I will be sure to post them but for now I must say bye because I need to go to class.